Sunday, 21 February 2016


      So today I went to get my new fish!! I got a Goldfish instead. Because their betta fish that they had at the store didn't look very good. And then I just saw this super adorable goldfish and I HAD to get it!! I don't know a good name for it yet but I'll figure one out. The breed of the goldfish is a Fantail!!

This is the setup!! It looks super cute.

And here is my goldfish!! I'm gonna call it a she because I don't actually know!! Isn't she cute!!

I will have lots of updates on her and how she's goin... Maybe once a week but I don't know yet. It depends on if I have time. For regular updates on my horses follow me on instagram at Caiboo_countrygirl and my youtube witch is also Cariboo_countrygirl.

Thursday, 21 January 2016

School Days and Exams...

      Hey everybody! So I updated again but sooner. Here's the update...

      So last weekend our basketball team had a tournament!! We didn't win the three games that we played but they were senior teams. Like grade 11 and 12 and my team is supposed to be a senior team but we only have 2 seniors and the rest of the girls are grade 8, 9, and 10. So it was a really hard tournament. And for half of our last game we were playing with no subs! Our basketball team isn't very large. But in our third game I did win player of the game!! So that was pretty awesome!

      And this week is our last normal week of school before exams because the next semester is starting the week after exams. Luckily I only have a Science exam but that is still a lot to study and really stressful. So wish me luck because I will need it.

      And today we had to get our tetanus shots at school! So that sucked but it didn't hurt at all. When they were done I couldn't even tell. My friends had to tell me that it was over haha. So my arm is a bit sore and cramped. And I'm a little tired from stressing out over it lol. But it's over and I won't need to get any more for 10 years!

     I hope everybody had a good day and enjoyed the little update. I know not many people read my blog. It isn't very exciting. But I just use it to get my thought out there and everything. But I think I'll start using it not just for animals but for my life in general so then I have more to update.


Monday, 11 January 2016


      Sorry that I haven't been posting much!! I'm super busy with school. And I don't even get much time to ride my horse lately because it gets dark really quickly since its winter time. And I have my after school activities like Tuesday I have yoga, Wednesday I have youth group, and Thursday I have basketball. So the only days that I even have a chance to ride is Monday, Friday, and the weekend. But soon basketball and yoga will be over so then I will have more time to post and ride my horse!

      On another note... I started a new youtube account with a better name then my other one and I post more often too! It has the same name as my blog so it's Cariboo_countrygirl. Please check it out and while your there please subscribe! I only have 2 subscribers! But I did just start it.

      And for more often updates and posts, follow me on Instagram at Cariboo_countrygirl.

      And since Cairo wasn't in this post...

      Isn't she cuteee!!! So I'll try to post more but I always say that and it never happens. But this time I will try to mean it :D So see you guys soon!! (Well I guess I won't see any of you but you get it)

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

My First Gymkhana!!!

      Hey guys!! I have some cool news to share! So on November 2, I went to my first Gymkhana! For those of you who don't know what a gymkhana is, it is an event on horse back and you barrel racing and other cool games. It was super fun. I made $19 in winnings! Here are the classes that I did and the scores I got:

Keyhole: 1st in 1D (1D is the first fastest horses, 2D is the second fastest horse and so on...)
Barrels: No Time (Knocked 2 barrels)
Pole Bending: No Time (Knocked a pole)
Stakes: 1st in 2D
Speed Barrels: 2nd in 2D

      So yeah I did pretty well for my first time!! I don't have any photos on my computer so I can't show any to you guys but if you want to see the video of all of my events that I did there then go to my youtube. I got it all on my gopro. My youtube is Maria Procee.

      Oh and some other really exciting news!!! Yesterday was Cairo's 2 year anniversary with me!!! We have come a long way... but she is the best, most amazing horse I could ever ask for!

       This photo is from the first month that we had her. She is kind of a wiredo :D haha.

Monday, 21 September 2015

I'm Back!!

      Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been on in a long time. I was super busy all summer long. I was so busy because I got my first job! I got a job at a local stable. So I would work from 10:00AM-4:00PM almost every day. Then I would come home and ride my horse, so I was pretty busy.

      This is a photo (Above) of me barrel racing with my bosses horse Duo at work. (My job is pretty awesome!) She usually rides her horse but she is pregnant so she said that I could ride her horse this year for her. So she taught me how to barrel race with her barrel horse. Duo is a big thouroughbred and he loves the barrels.

      And I couldn't post in the winter because my sisters horse Digger (Above) got really sick and passed away. R.I.P. Digger :( We really miss you!!

      Oh and in my last post I said that my mom got a new horse. And this is him (Above). This is Tank. I don't have very many good photos of him so this is one of his face. Isn't he cute?!?!

      And since Cairo didn't get in this post... Here she is!! (Above) She is smiling. Lol.

      Ok well I think that is a pretty good filler in. So I will try to post more often. If you want to see more of my pets and my adventures then follow me on instagram @Cariboo_Countrygirl. See ya!!!

Sunday, 9 November 2014

We Got a New Horse!

We just got a new horse a while ago! He is my mom's horse so don't worry I still have Cairo. I just thought that I would share the exciting news with all on you.
I'm sorry but I don't have any photos of him on my computer so I don't have any to show you but I will try to get some on the computer but if I don't then sorry.

So he is a Quarter Horse,  he's a red dun, his name is Tank, he's 10 years old, and he loves attention.
And if you want to see a photo of him and see photos of all of my animals more often the please go follow me on Instagram. My user name is cariboo_countrygirl

Friday, 19 September 2014

Today We Got Some New Baby Chickens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday we got some new chicks! They are so cute. :)  In the picture above the chicken's name is Poof! 

      We got six new chicks! I don't have pictures of all of them but I will tell you the names. So there is Poof, Hawk, Bellbottom, Charcoal, and the Blonde Twins ( Blondie 1 and Blondie 2 ).

The chick in this picture is named Hawk. We named her hawk because her head, eyes, and beak looks like a hawk's head, eyes, and beak!!!!!

The chick that is mine out of all of the chicks is named Bellbottom. I named it Bellbottom because on her legs and feet she has feathers and when the feathers spread out on her toes it makes it look like she has bellbottom pants on!!! When I get some pictures of Bellbottom then I will post them. I tried to get some pictures of her but she wouldn't hold still. They love to move and not hold still for one second for me to take a picture so it is really hard to get one good picture. Hehe :)