Hey guys!! I have some cool news to share! So on November 2, I went to my first Gymkhana! For those of you who don't know what a gymkhana is, it is an event on horse back and you barrel racing and other cool games. It was super fun. I made $19 in winnings! Here are the classes that I did and the scores I got:
Keyhole: 1st in 1D (1D is the first fastest horses, 2D is the second fastest horse and so on...)
Barrels: No Time (Knocked 2 barrels)
Pole Bending: No Time (Knocked a pole)
Stakes: 1st in 2D
Speed Barrels: 2nd in 2D
So yeah I did pretty well for my first time!! I don't have any photos on my computer so I can't show any to you guys but if you want to see the video of all of my events that I did there then go to my youtube. I got it all on my gopro. My youtube is Maria Procee.
Oh and some other really exciting news!!! Yesterday was Cairo's 2 year anniversary with me!!! We have come a long way... but she is the best, most amazing horse I could ever ask for!
This photo is from the first month that we had her. She is kind of a wiredo :D haha.